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90 Million and growing!
90 million households now have at least 1 pet and that number is projected to continue growing!
Offer your clients financial peace of mind that extends to their 'non-human' family members!
Insurance for everything they love!
How Does Pet Insurance Work?
Insureds can take their pet to any licensed vet. Then file a claim for reimbursement in 2 easy steps.
What types of pets are covered?
Want coverage for a bird, rabbit, reptile or other exotic pet? You can offer that too!
What Pet Insurance Covers.
Based on the plan choice, get reimbursed on a percentage of what you pay your vet, or by covered services according to a benefit schedule.
What Pet Insurance Doesn't Cover.
Items such as grooming, tax, waste disposal, boarding, or pre-existing conditions are not eligible for coverage. See policy documents for a complete list of exclusions. ** For eligible conditions.
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